
Hi There lovely Explorers and other lovely people!

I'm Aeglira :-)
I'd like to help you get started with pwMapApp.

Oh dear, Nick has asked me to get to the point... He can be a bit abrupt... So, okay:-( sigh... 

seven simple steps:

(1) get a Map. Possibly a tourist map -- with interesting places marked on the Map. These places are the Treasures.

(2) start pwMapApp

(3) Use your email and a unique explorerName to register as a pwExplorer No-one will see your email. Other Explorers see your explorerName.

(4) select your pwMap from the list

(5) In your Real World follow the Map to a Treasure location

(6) claim that Treasure
... the app will confirm that you are really there

... repeat from (5)

(7) until you Finish (it's at the *end* of the Treasure list

Then tell your friends of all the Treasures that you have found :-)


Oh dear, that's so quick. I do hope that it helps.
There's so much more that I would love to tell you.

Don't tell Nick... I'll write some more... Nick won't mind... as long as I tell you that you don't have to read all this extra explanation.
Just explore!

the App

I'd like to tell you about Nick's exciting new app. It's called pwMapApp

I know it's exciting because Nick has told me all about it.
The app is new, it's fun, it's full of great new ideas that I love.

In Azeroth I follow Maps all the time. Chasing Monsters, questing Quests and finding Treasures. Oh and I'm a Healer too but that's another story.

pwMapApp is all about Maps and Treasures.
Sorry, I can't guarantee Monsters. But there will definitely be Maps and Treasures.

So what's it all about?

For me, it all started with a Map.

Nick says it always starts with a Map... There are lots of different types of Maps. Some do not even look like Maps! That sounds even more mysterious than my own Treasure Map :-)

Select the pwMap #QuickStart
It doesn't need any real Map at all
... it helps you to get familiar with the app
So simple :-)


The other day, I found a mysterious Treasure Map.
I knew it was a Treasure Map because, written across the top in big colourful mysterious letters was, Treasure Map.

There was a big red X, to mark the spot.
And there were other Xs. Oh goodness me! My Map shows a whole lot of Treasures. Lots and lots of Treasures!
I hope that I can find some of those Treasures:-)

As Nick says... it always starts with a Map.

the Map

The Map may be printed on old-style parchment. (Probably carelessly creased and with scorch marks around the edges. Those are all sure signs of an exciting Treasure Map.

Nick says that the Map may not even be real ! What do you mean? I ask him.

It may be as simple as a list of places with Treasures, Nick explained.
Or it could be, Nick told me, it could be a "virtual" map... one that only appears on a magic or electronic device.

Oh, I said... like the Map that I follow in Azeroth?
Yes, said Nick... just like that.
The Map for pwMapApp could be a list of Treasure locations -- or even a set of locations in a thing called Google Maps.

As long as there is a Map and Treasures that can be found by following the Map.

My Treasure Map shows Treasures in Azeroth. Which is great, I don't travel much outside Azeroth.

And so I decided to Explore my Treasure Map. And to find its Treasures.

Oh but first... I registered as an Explorer.

I was going to register with the InterGalactic panSpecies League for Treasures and Expeditions and Maps and Quests and Explorers

Nick says that's a silly group. He says, Just register your explorerName with pwMapApp. So I did.

Nick says that I can register almost any explorerName.
As long as I won't be embarrassed by it...
Other Explorers can see my explorerName, so I don't want to call myself something silly like sillyBilly or OldSmellySocks. That would be really silly (I don't wear socks).

My explorerName stays with me for all my Exploration using pwMapApp. So I want a nice name.
I'm lucky, Aeglira has not been used, so I Register as Aeglira.
I need to use my email address too. But that's all that pwMapApp wants to know about me.

Nick says that other Explorers can see what Maps I have Explored and which mapped Treasures I have found and when, but that is all.
There is no identifying data (other than my explorerName). And no identifying data is sent outside the app.

That was so easy!
Now I am ready to find those Treasures...

I have a Map
... and an explorerName

the Expedition

I start pwMapApp
I find my Map in the list of pwMaps...
I select my pwMap
and I have started an Expedition

pwMapApp shows me a list of all the pwTreasures on my Map
This is so exciting! There are so many Treasures... How many can I find today?

a Treasure

Nick says, and this seems to be important: the app does not *lead* me to the Treasure -- I have to find it by myself

Oooohh this is great fun... like a game, I follow my Map, I find a Treasure -- and then the app tells me if I have really reached the correct Treasure location.

I follow my Map

... to my first Treasure (oh I hope I'm really there)

I select this Treasure from the list in the app.
I "claim" the Treasure

pwMapApp checks my location...

Nick says that some Treasures are claimed with my GPS location.
Other Treasures are claimed with a question... the answer will always be a single word (phew!)

There may even be Treasures with a barcode to be scanned.
... I hope I find one of those. I've been in bars in Azeroth. They all have names, I have not found one with a code. (Nick just gave me a funny look, I'm not sure why).

my first Treasure

Yes! I am there! I have found my first pwTreasure :-)
pwMapApp puts a big friendly tick against the treasure in the treasure list.

I follow my Map. Go further... I Move to *another* Treasure. Claim that Treasure -- the app says Yes! I have found another :-)

the Finish

I continue my Expedition,
I find more Treasures,
I Explore my Map.
... until it's time to go home.
I scroll all the way to the bottom of the list of pwTreasures
... there is a final Treasure, Finish.

I select Finish -- and that is the end of today's Expedition.
Oh gosh I love it :-)

Nick says that if I did not Finish then I could continue the Expedition later.

Once I have Finished, he tells me, I can come back another day, start a new Expedition, explore the same Map
... perhaps find even more Treasures.

and that is pwMapApp :-)
It's such fun, I love it :-)
I hope that *you* enjoy it...

Nick says that it is a Work in Progress.

or, more correctly, he says -- a Proof of Concept.

I think that what he means is, he wants lots of people to try pwMapApp. And to tell him what they think.

What do you think?
Do you like it?
Nick and I would love to hear from you...

Add a comment to this post... let us know what you think.
We would love to hear from you :-)

Happy Exploring and,
Lots of Love always,
... Aeglira

Communications Officer for  Nick Lethbridge

now helping with pwMapApp


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